Truly Pioneering
From anti-bacterial liniment to inventing the mastitis syringe treatment and filling sterile human and veterinary products, throughout the years Hanford has pushed to be the front runner in the manufacturing of antibiotic products. It is the only remaining independent, family-owned, antibiotic contract manufacturer in the USA.

An Eye Toward the Future
With the acquisition of a 36,000-square-foot facility, which is conveniently located adjacent to its main plant, Hanford welcomes new business opportunities that fall within its niche of penicillins and cephalosporins, as well as projects that go beyond the realm of antibiotics.

Best People & Best Practices
Being a family-owned company, Hanford is fortunate to have a workforce that is well-educated, well-trained, experienced, and above all close-knit. Hanford has the capability of completing projects under high FDA standards in a very timely manner.